Cheesy Bacon Cauliflower

Cheese and bacon. Does the vegetable part really matter??

I adapted this side dish from this recipe, but this time I omitted the chicken since I was making another chicken recipe as my main dish. The original recipe is fabulous too, so check it out!


bacon cauliflower1

Bacon, frozen cauliflower (fresh would be great too, but let’s face it frozen is easier), cheddar, Monterey Jack (though I used a Mexican blend I had on hand), s & p, garlic powder.

Step 1: Cook bacon. My new favorite way to cook bacon is in the oven. Line a pan with aluminum foil, place your bacon on foil, and cook in a cold oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Perfection! And less mess! Let cool, and blot with paper towel to minimize grease.

Step 2: Cook cauliflower according to directions on frozen package. Let cool, and blot with paper towel to absorb excess water.

Step 3: Combine cheeses, garlic powder, and s & p in bowl. Crumble bacon on top.


Step 4: Stir in cauliflower.


Step 5: Transfer to greased oval casserole dish (8×8 would probably work too). Bake in oven at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes. Note: the original recipe calls for 350 degrees for about 25 minutes. Comes out the same either way in my opinion!

Step 6: Enjoy the cheesy bacon goodness! Makes for a great side dish if you’re looking for a low carb substitute!


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